【應瑋漢 cwnkent88@gmail.com】來自台灣台北的23歲女生:Winnie Wang (王岑耘)是「新台灣之光」!從紐約電影學院以榮譽學生畢業的她,不僅是一名演員、模特兒,還身兼歌手和舞者。近期在美國拍攝的代表作是主演獨立電影導演Shirley Li的新電影「Circle Bridge 」。在片中以精湛的演技詮釋被親情與愛情拉扯的考古學家一角。
Winnie 從幼稚園時期就發現自己對表演藝術的熱愛。2014年,13歲的Winnie甄選上西班牙裔導演:Albert VENTURA(文二北投)的試鏡並獲得了「520慧蘭」這部改編自真人真事的心理懸疑中文短片,Winnie回憶「因為參與了這部電影,我開始確定了我想當演員的想法,我後來去參加了三立藝能學院的表演課;還有決定報考華岡藝校表演藝術科。」於華岡藝校畢業後,由於家人想讓Winnie拓展國際視野,於是讓她到美國的威斯康辛州當一年交換學生。沒想到表演欲極高的她,在主動參與了美國高中舞台劇還有音樂劇社後,被許多老師肯定他的才藝,更加確認了她的夢想就是在影視圈中發光發熱。於是毅然決然報考紐約電影學院,遠赴美國繼續學習表演。近年來,愈來愈多亞洲的華裔女星在好萊塢的主流商業電影中紛紛擔任重要角色。以Winnie的觀察,她認為現在是亞洲演員在歐美電影產業的熱潮,「雖然李小龍和成龍之前都是亞洲演員在好萊塢成功發展的代表,但一直到近幾年好萊塢才正視亞洲文化及普及亞洲演員(特別是亞洲女演員)在歐美電影的市場影響力。」當談論起Winnie的偶像,她毫不猶豫的說「我非常崇拜楊紫瓊,因為她不管在什麼年齡階段,都能把所有角色表演得淋漓盡致。從她在「瘋狂亞洲富豪」(Crazy Rich Asians )和「媽的多重宇宙」(Everything Everywhere All At Once) 中的角色,就能看到她對不同角色都能做最完美的詮釋。」讓Winnie同樣敬佩的華裔演員吳恬敏「我認為專業演員需要演什麼像什麼。像吳恬敏從「菜鳥新移民」(Fresh Off The Boat)裡飾演虎媽,到她在「舞孃騙很大」(Huslter) 的脫衣舞女郎,在不同角色間自由切換演技這是需要很努力學習非常多樣的能力和才藝,並且花非常多時間練習和累積經驗才能做到的。」為了能更接近偶像的實力,Winnie 平時會看電影以及閱讀,「找到喜歡的演員就會多看他們演的電影,還要多閱讀。演員是一個需要做足功課的職業,這也是吸引我的一個地方,因為要準備不同角色,所以透過查資料了解了很多本來不知道的東西。」這也更激發她對於挑戰不同角色的野心,並且期許未來的自己也能跟她們一樣,塑造出讓觀眾印象深刻的經典角色。(照片:Winnie Wang)
New star of Taiwan 2022 Hollywood Movie Industry rocket has launched
Winnie Wang first time being casted as a lead for archaeologist role
Winnie Wang, graduated from New York Film Academy graduating with honor, is known as the " New Star of Taiwan". Talented as she is, Winnie recently finished filming as the lead actress in an independent feature film "Circle Bridge" directed by Shirley Li. In the film, she portrays a phenomenonal perfoermance as an archaeologist who's torn with family and love.
"Since archeology is so foreign to me; only until I got to the filming location on the day of the shoot, I then really felt like I was in character." First time as a lead actress, Winnie considered it was challenging, not only the experience of filming in the desert was memorable, but also the character in the story was difficult to interpret. "We were in a desert location for the first two weeks of filming, because of the high temperature difference between day and night, the production was tested to the limits." For her, hair, makeup and wardrobe were a big part of building the character, the filming team props of archeology equipment and the set up set for the shoot made Winnie feel secure and reliable.
Winnie thinks the most touching and fun moment is in a scene is where she has to speak to the soul of her family member. "I had so much pressure from that emotional scene, because when we studied the script with the director in pre-production, I knew this scene is the high point to move the character arc in the film. Even though I've done a lot of character preparation, it really felt different when it was time to film."
Filming the most emotional scene, Winnie recalls the director clearing out the set in order to give her the space to be vulnerable for her emotional preparation. "The director and I went into one of the small tents, she held my hand, read the lines, line by line with me until we felt the lines breath into the heart of my soul." In the end, they looked at each other and they both started tearing up. At the same time experience how a director uses the impact of the story to lead an actor into the character. The first time having to explore the heart of the character, Winnie feels it to be a memorable experience.
( NFG - 流行電通 - NeoFashionGo - www.neofashiongo.com ) (CWNTP-華人世界時報 www.cwntp.net)