
CWNTP 藝文: 2013/5/17-5/19 YOUNG ART台北國際當代藝術博覽會 「Gone Wild解放」劉哲榮雕塑個展

【華人世界時報 CWNTP 應瑋漢】 

2013/5/17-5/19 YOUNG ART台北國際當代藝術博覽會
「Gone Wild解放」劉哲榮雕塑個展

台北國際當代藝術博覽會〈YOUNG ART TAIPEI〉為亞洲區首個聚焦於45歲以下年輕藝術家、最具特色的當代藝術博覽會。今年度活動
YOUNG ART TAIPEI (YAT) Contemporary Hotel Art Fair is the very first and the most distinctive contemporary art fair in Asia that focuses on young artists under the age of 45. This year YAT will be organized from May 17th to 19th at Sheraton Grande Taipei Hotel; meanwhile, RIVER ART will present a solo sculpture exhibition of the emerging artist LIU, JE-RONG among his animal    series. We cordially invite art lovers to take part in the annual art feast together!

LIU, JE-RONG takes his sculptures as an organism with delicate observation and wide imagination. His works endowed with dramatic tension in fable style represent the living environment through animals’ viewpoint but constructed under thoughts of humankind, found serious yet humorous. He explores subject and object diversity and infinite possibility of tolerance under multiculturalism in a way of post-modernism concerned to look into substance from various angles and viewpoints interacting with history and personal experience. Attempting to make contradiction by placing items together as if unrelated to reflect social reality and pay close attention to our living environment. When negative emotions and alienation sublimated through unceasing and reverse introspection, positive power will bring harmonious coexistence in the process of understanding.
YAT新潮賞臉書網路人氣獎YOUNG ART AWARD—Facebook Online Vote 
  票選時間VOTING TIME:4/8 (Mon) - 5/8 (Wed) 12:00

台北喜來登大飯店 展間973 / Room No.973, Sheraton Grande Taipei Hotel
地址ADD:台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號 / No.12, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao East Rd., Taipei, Taiwan

藏家預展VIP Preview:05/17 (Fri) 14:00-20:00
開幕晚會VIP Opening Party:05/17 (Thu) 20:00-22:00
展覽時間General Viewing:05/18 (Sat) - 05/19 (Sun) 12:00-20:00

  展期DATE:5/1 (Wed) 11:00 – 5/8 (Wed) 20:00 
地址ADD:台中市博館路15號 / No.15, Boguan Rd., Taichung, Taiwan 

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